sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

Time, 5th grade


Here you have some information about the time in english. Please read the information and print the exercices to correct them in class.(leer la información e imprimir y hacer las actividades)

Good luck

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

the alphabet song

GRAMMAR to be & present simple

Here, you have some web-sides to practice grammar:

http://club.telepolis.com/englishweb/thirdpcolour.html to practice the third person of singular (present simple)

Good luck!

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

KANGAROOS (reading)

Read the following text about kangaroos and anwer the questions about the text. If you want, you can time yourself .

Remember that it is very important to understand the text before doing the test, so read it carefully and make sure you understand everything.

Good luck!

FIND OUR HOUSE (listen for specific information)

Here you have some descriptions of a house, listen three times each description and guess which house she is describing. Good luck!

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

animals (bloque III)

It´s a song about animals, that it can be used to teach vocabulary and also to learn some features of those animals. It can be used as a pre-listening if you tell them a story with same of those animals or if you prefer, it can be used alone, just as a song, asking them to imitate the animals and then working a short role-play. Those are only some of the multiple options that we have to work with the song.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

being creative

Write several sentences describing these fruits and then write a simple story, being the fruits the main characteres.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

amazing animals (group activity)

There are some amazing animals around the world that we don´t know that they exist, so I think it is a good idea to find some information about those animals to create a common project in which you should include simple sentences (using the verb to have got) describing an amazing animal.

If you follow these steps, it will be easier:

  • Have a look to this web-page to find some information:http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/Animals/

  • Read the information about the animals that you find more interesting.

  • Write a short summary using simple sentences: present simple and the verb to have got

  • Give your opinion about this animal.

  • Finally you can insert a picture of the animal (optional)
  • Don´t forget to anwer the quiestions about the zebra. Please make sure your sentences have a correct structure.

Here you have a zebra:

Can you describe the zebra?

Do you think the zebra is an amazing animal? why?

Good luck!

little red riding-hood (listening activities)

Do you like the popular tales? Here you have some nice stories to read and listen.
Let´s start with little red riding-hood.
After listening to the story, you can do some activities about that story that I´m sure you will enjoy.


Reading: vocabulary exercises

We have been working with the months of the year and the days of the week in the 5th grade class, so here you have some exercices that would help you to internalize these vocabulary.
Good luck!

Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - The first month of the year is...
January December
Q2 - The last month of the year is...
January December
Q3 - There are ____ months in a year.
7 1 2 3 6 5
Q4 - We use ____ numbers with dates.
cardinal (one, two three...) ordinal (first, second, third...)
Q5 - April comes before...
March May
Q6 - ____ is the shortest month.
February May
Q7 - ____ is the twelfth month.
November December
Q8 - The seventh month is....
June July August
Q9 - April is ____ month.
fourth the fourth
Q10 - November is the ____ month.
eleven eleventh
Q11 - Winter starts in ____.
November December
Q12 - We use the preposition ____ with months.
in on at

Choose the correct anwer:
Q1 - Which day comes before Tuesday?
Monday Wednesday
Q2 - Which day comes before Friday?
Thursday Saturday
Q3 - Which day comes after Wednesday?
Tuesday Thursday
Q4 - Saturday and Sunday are the...
weekdays weekend
Q5 - There are _____ days in a week
2 5 7 9 11
Q6 - There are ____ working days in a week.
2 5 7 9 11
Q7 - We use the preposition ____ with days.
in on at
Q8 - ____ the weekend
On At Either could be used here.
Q9 - The first day of the working week is ...
Sunday Monday
Q10 - Which letter is silent in 'Wednesday'
The first 'd' The second 'd'
Q11 - Which day comes between Tuesday and Thursday?
Friday Wednesday Monday
Q12 - The abbreviation for Monday is...
Mo Mon Mond.
Q13 - The abbreviation for Tuesday is...
Tues Tuesd
Q14 - The abbreviation for Wednesday is...
We Wed
Q15 - The abbreviation for Thursday is...
Thu Thurs
Q16 - The abbreviation for Friday is...
Fri Frid
Q17 - The abbreviation for Saturday is...
Sat Satu
Q18 - The abbreviation for Sunday is...
Sun Sunda

HAVE FUN learning grammar (writing exercises)

PRESENT SIMPLE (third person of singular)

I know grammar is not the most exciting thing to study, but I have found a web-page in which you can pracise grammar in a different way that we usually do in the school. I´m sure that you will enjoy this activity.
Please have a look to this:

Did you enjoy the activity?

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009

Happy St. Patrick´s day!

St Patrick is known as the patron saint of Ireland. True, he was not a born Irish. But he has become an integral part of the Irish heritage, mostly through his service across Ireland of the 5th century.

In Ireland, it is a religious holiday similar to Christmas and Easter. With grand parades, community feasts, charity show, the mass, St Patrick's Day is celebrated in Ireland. The parades, shamrocks, and green beer are provided primarily for tourists. In fact, it has turned out to be one of the most celebrated events in Ireland and a major tourist attraction.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Listening exercises

"Listening" is one of the skills we must practice a lot. To practice it, we can watch movies in the original version, listen to music or listen for specific information in different exercises.
Here, you will have some extra-activities to practice this skill. Good luck!http://www.mansioningles.com/NuevoCurso.htm