miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020


Good morning! ✋
Today, we Will see the past simple, but don´t worry it is only  a small introduction. We Will work it again  next year.

There are two different types of verbs: regular and irregular verbs. We are going to work the regular verbs.

Some of these verbs are: marry, live, study, travel, work, watch, walk, listen, tidy up and play.

To do the past of these verbs, you only have to add  -ed to the verb:

Listen- listened

Work- worked

Some verbs have spelling rules:

Travel-  Travelled  ( dobla la l final)

Study—studied( cambia la Y por i latina)

Live- Lived (no añade doble -e, solo añade la -D)

Examples:        My sister listened to music.

                        Last year, I lived in a flat.

To do the negative, we use, DID NOT (DIDN´T) before the verb:

Example: I didn´t watch tv yesterday.

Watch this video to understand it better.

Now, open your classbook on page 92 and do the activity 3.

To finish, in your activity book, at page 84 do the activities 1, 2, 3
Now you can hear Rachel talking about her last summer. Enjoy it!
No es necesario que mandéis nada si hacéis las actividades del activity book interactivas. En caso contrario, mandarnos foto de estas actividades. (1, 2, 3 pág 84)
   Remember that tomorrow we don´t have class! so see you on Friday!

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