domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

ENGLISH, April 27th

Good morning again! How are you? How was the weekend?

 Today you have to do your homework very fast, to go out for walk. 👏👏

  • Let´s start with Rachel´s routines. As you know, you have to listen and answer the questions. You must listen two or three times if it is necessary.
  • Now, check your answers:

  • After that, open your English class book on page 71 and do activities 1 &2, in lesson 8.(son actividades interactivas). Dejamos el audio del libro para los que no podéis meteros a través de Blink y hacéis la actividad en el cuaderno.

  • Then, open your activity book on page 65 and do the interactives activities, 1, 2 and 3.
  • Finally, open again your class book on page 71 and do interactives activities 1 and 2 in lessson 10.(solo ver los videos y contestar de forma oral las preguntas del video).
  • Como hoy todas las actividades son interactivas, no tenéis que enviarnos nada.
  •  Don´t forget to study the topic, please!

                                                        Have a nice day!!!!

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