jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Science. Thursday 30th of April

Good morning! Today is our last day of this week and of this month!!

Before you enjoy these three free days, we have to work a little bit.

Let's start with Rachel's listenings. Listen to it and answer the questions.

Now, check your answers with this recording:

Here you have the answers for the reading text activity you did on Tuesday.

Today, since we finished the unit the other day, we're going to review it. Go to the Aula Virtual and answer the questions. (Dejamos las preguntas aquí también para que quien no pueda entrar en Aula Virtual las realice y mande al correo).

We haven't forgotten about Arts. The activity for this week is to make a plant with materials you find at home. Put them over a paper and write its parts. Take a picture of it and send it to us. We want to see your work! Para construir la planta podéis usar cualquier material que encontréis por casa. Lo ponéis sobre un papel, indicáis las partes, hacéis la foto y nos lo mandáis al correo a lo largo de la semana. Los publicaremos en el blog. La foto que dejamos es un ejemplo, pero la tarea es libre, la podéis hacer como queráis, con lo que encontréis, puede ser comida, ropa, objetos...

To finish off and celebrate we have three free days, we're going to dance!

Have a nice bank holiday!!

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