lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


Good morning kids! How are you?

Let´s start a new week and a new topic!: Why are weekends special?

As yesterday was Sunday and this weekend was longer than usual, what about if you start writting in your notebook why weekends are special for you, and explaining to us what you did this last weeekend. Si nos enviáis vuestras respuestas por Blink o al correo, podemos subirlas a paddlet, o subirlas vosotros mismos, y así compartís con vuestros compañeros lo que habéis hecho este fin de semana. Podéis acompañar las respuestas de un dibujo.
  • Let´s go on listening to Rachel and answering her questions:

    Now check your answers here:
  • After that, we're going to open the class book at page 77, watch the video in this page and answer the interactive activities 1&2.
  • To finish, we are going to read "Hanukkah": Read and answer the questions. No nos enviéis esta actividad, os adjuntamos las respuestas para que podáis corregiros vosotros mismos. READING

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